Can a Christian be punished temporarily before entering the New Jerusalem? Do all non Christians go to the Lake of Fire?
What kind of beings do dead people encounter when they experience an NDE? Why doesn’t everyone meet God?
Do our words contain power or is it belief? Should Christians use the law of attraction to influence reality? If we can then do we attract bad spirits if we are selfishly motivated?
How should a Christian keep his or her mind strong? How to gain instant clarity and right attitude.
Did God in the Old Testament approve of slavery, genocide and patriarchy? Are justice and truth foundations for love?
Is the Gnostic belief in reincarnation and Sophia credible, or Lucifarian? Mother Earth tells us there is no judgment or hell.
Paul’s gospel Vs Jesus gospel? Do NDE’s prove Paul was wrong?
Before we are able to see things from God’s point of view we need to have asked Jesus to be our Master and Savior, as he then begins to replace the values in our heart. We relate to God through our heart, and the heart influences the mind, and employs reason to justify its desires.
But despite the mind being the servant of the heart it is also its leader; it leads as a servant king. This is necessary because our desires are easily led astray and require the focus and purpose that only order can bring.
all articles by Dan Daniels | email: info@christianperspective.info
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